Tuesday , January 14 2025


Racing Calendar
Q: Where can I find the details of the current UF1 calendar?
A: The list of races can be found here: https://uf1rc.com/uf1-racing-schedule/. This will include both the current and future race dates for the current season.

Contact Us
Q: I want to contact a UF1 official.
A: You can contact the UF1 by heading over to our Contact UF1 page.

Q: Who is UF1RC.com?
A: UF1RC.com is the Official Website of the UF1 Racing Series. It is run by the Tony Phalen with consultant help from Ken Gerberding. The web site is developed by Phalen Creative.

Q: Where can I buy official UF1 merchandise?
A: The UF1 Collection will be available exclusively through UF1RC.com's website.

Reproducing Info
Q: Can I reproduce any of the images and information used on the site?
A: Yes and no. The Terms & Conditions of the site state: "This Site as a whole is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. All rights are reserved." If you want to use a particular image (or images) you must request permission from the UF1. Please visit the Contact UF1 page to process your request.

Site not updating
Q: When I use links like 'Results' from the Home Page they do not always bring up the latest information available.
A: The results will be posted shortly after the weekend's event. Also, your computer may be accessing a cached version of the website. Try refreshing your browser with the 'Refresh' or 'Ctrl-Shift Refresh' command.