Wednesday , February 19 2025


Racing Calendar
Q: Where can I find the details of the current UF1 calendar?
A: The list of races can be found here: This will include both the current and future race dates for the current season.

Contact Us
Q: I want to contact a UF1 official.
A: You can contact the UF1 by heading over to our Contact UF1 page.
Q: Who is
A: is the Official Website of the UF1 Racing Series. It is run by the Tony Phalen with consultant help from Ken Gerberding. The web site is developed by Phalen Creative.

Q: Where can I buy official UF1 merchandise?
A: The UF1 Collection will be available exclusively through's website.

Reproducing Info
Q: Can I reproduce any of the images and information used on the site?
A: Yes and no. The Terms & Conditions of the site state: "This Site as a whole is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. All rights are reserved." If you want to use a particular image (or images) you must request permission from the UF1. Please visit the Contact UF1 page to process your request.

Site not updating
Q: When I use links like 'Results' from the Home Page they do not always bring up the latest information available.
A: The results will be posted shortly after the weekend's event. Also, your computer may be accessing a cached version of the website. Try refreshing your browser with the 'Refresh' or 'Ctrl-Shift Refresh' command.