Thursday , February 20 2025

Zen and the Art of RC

Zen and the Art of RC

Remember: The #1 priority is to have fun (and maybe win) while also allowing others to have fun!

If you are an obviously slower car, or are being lapped, don’t fight the position to a faster car:
Hold your line until you can get to a safe place at which you can go to the outside line and let the faster driver through.

If you didn’t realize a faster driver was coming behind you until too late, stay on your line and let him/her make the pass!

If you car is handling so poorly that it is unpredictable (e.g. zig-zagging down the back stretch, etc.) chances are you may have a problem or you are using too much throttle.

On the back stretch hold the inside line (the same side as the inside of the next turn).

If you are a faster driver passing a slower car:
Get a feel for the abilities of the driver or the handling of his/her car (you don’t want to attempt a pass and have him/her knock you out because he/she got nervous or his/her car was handling poorly!).

Wait for the appropriate time if the driver is a rookie or the car is not handling well.

Otherwise…make the pass as safely as possible and remember, everyone is racing!

If you and the other driver are competing for position:
Hold your line…and whomever’s nose is ahead of the front doors has the line…if you don’t have it…back-off and wait for the next opportunity to pass. Don’t push the other car out of the way.

If you hit a car, stop and wait for that car to resume racing and fall in behind.

If you have something broken that prevents your car from handling predictably, pull into the pits if possible. Otherwise pull the car out of the way, preferably close to a marshal. Don’t take out another driver’s car if you are trying to limp a car home.

Remove all sharp edges from your car. Some particular nasty ones are badly trimmed zip ties. Deburr any damage and trim any sharp edges on the body.

Check all links on the car. If they are too loose, they will most probably become undone during the race.

Clean your car and inspect it for damage–sometimes you may miss hairline cracks in suspension parts until you wipe them clean.

On the Driver’s Stand:
Be courteous to the other drivers:
Allow enough space

Don’t lean forward and obscure the view of the track

If you screw up….let the other driver know you’re sorry…otherwise it looks like you did it on purpose!

If for some reason, your car dies in a bad spot, and there’s no turn marshall immediately nearby.. make a nice loud announcement such as “DEAD CAR IN (Insert location here – such as “BACK STRAIGHT”!!)”

(the following may be a touchy one!)
Sometimes the marshal might have missed your car…or may be distracted watching the race. Yelling may get his/her attention but most probably if there are other cars around him/her the marshal may not hear you at all! Any attempts to yell specific information to a marshal is probably in vain. Basically use your own judgment but no profanity.

While not well regarded in some professional sports, the “cut-throat” sign is probably a good one to use if you feel your car is done for the race or too unsafe to drive. When you do this, make eye contact with the marshal…remember the marshal most probably does not know who the car belongs to and is looking for some sort of indication to figure it out.

Your #1 priority is to get the cars that are racing back into the race, but don’t forget:
Don’t neglect another car that is stuck because you are performing repairs to a car on the track.

Take a quick look at the car to make sure nothing is broken–the last thing you want to do is to put a car that has some kind of failure back on the track and have it get even more damage after it crashes again.

Check to make sure the body is not rubbing against the wheels.

Shoes (as opposed to sandals) are recommended

Use “sign language”…a good example is if you have doubts that the radio is working properly…make an “air steering” (pretend you’re steering the transmitter wheel) to let the driver know to test the steering…if it doesn’t work make shake your head to let the driver know that steering is not working.

Put the cars back down on the same side where they went off. Do not advance them on the track.

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